Proposed Campaign for Jeff Brooks
Smithfield Town Council
Logo/Brand Development: AG will develop the identity for Jeff Brooks campaign for Smithfield Town Council. This logo/brand will be on everything from print to digital to signage throughout the campaign and set for future campaigns.
Website: AG will develop a simple, multi-page website that give prospective voters a snapshot of Jeff Brooks. Content will include, but not be limited to —
About Jeff Brooks
The Issues
Community Involvement
Sign Distribution
Monetary donations
Volunteer Sign-ups
Domain Name
Hosting through November
Rack Card/Flier: AG will produce 1 rack card/flier (4”x9”) with all pertinent information to drive voters to the website. The flier will also include a QR Code that directs the audience directly to the website. We will print 1,000. If we need more, we can always order more, no problem.
Yard Signs: AG will design and produce 75 yard signs (24”x18”) including “H” stakes for distribution to willing participants
Advertising: AG will develop an ad that will run 4x in the Smithfield Times, starting Wednesday, Oct. 12 and running through Nov. 2. AG will also include a banner ad in the Smithfield Times email that click directly to the website for a 30-day period that ends on Election Day, Nov. 8.
Brand Development — Launched by Friday, September 30.
Advertising — Starts week of Oct. 9 (or earlier) along with sign/flier distribution. If collateral is delivered earlier, then we start distribution earlier.
Branding/Design for all print, web, social and digital marketing
75 yard signs delivered
1,000 Rack Cards delivered
4 1/12th page ads in Smithfield Times
1/2 Page ad in Election Guide
70,000 digital impression including geo-fencing
10,000 impressions on
1 targeted email blast to 5,000 email addresses
The Budget = $5,839, but in support of Jeff Brooks for Town Council campaign, The Addison Group will donate all of the usual profits as an in-kind donation totaling $1,400. Total for the full campaign will be $4,439.
*Addendum: Video
Should we get closer to election day and feel the need to produce a video that can be distributed through the local cable network, social and digital platforms, we can add that to this strategy. Budget is $1,500-$1,800 complete, which includes turn key videos for each platform.